About the Project

This project will make it easier and safer for people to get to bus stops, add amenities to bus stops that improve the overall experience, and improve transit speed and reliability. This includes transit upgrades between Homestead and McKeesport on the 61C corridor, running mostly along State Route 837, and serving four other bus routes along the corridor. Existing conditions data shows a high need for improvements that would benefit multiple bus routes, pedestrian access more broadly, and complement other activities in the surrounding communities.


April 2024: The project team is briefing Project Partners at SPC, Allegheny County, and PennDOT District 11 to move project elements toward construction, participate in additional planning (where necessary), and prepare for future collaboration opportunities. Specifically, PRT is seeking additional funding to construct the current project recommendations that can be viewed further down on this page.

PRT will update the public to confirm the final project construction timeline and other related activities after this phase. A record of the public engagement to-date is available in the project archive.

Project Goals

  • Improve Safety and Accessibility

    • Improve crossing conditions and shorten crosswalk distances to increase safety for transit riders accessing bus stops across the street.
    • Provide ADA-compliant amenities to ensure that riders of all abilities can easily access transit service.
    • Ensure buses can serve riders using wheelchairs directly from the curb/boarding area.
    • Make it easier and safer for people to access transit stops.
    • Investigate locations that may warrant new stops or adjustments to existing stops.
  • Create a More Comfortable Experience

    For transit riders at and traveling to/from bus stops

    • Provide a high-quality experience at bus stops, including amenities like seating, real-time travel information, and transit ticket vending.
    • Ensure that PRT facilities are more comfortable and attractive.
  • Improve Transit Speed and Reliability

    • Improve the flow of transit service in areas with low bus travel speeds or high congestion using signalization or street design tactics.
    • Consolidate bus stops to meet PRT spacing guidelines.
    • Reduce travel times from consolidation of bus stops and other transit improvements.
    • Identify actions for transit to bypass congestion points which will facilitate improved bus operations, particularly in Homestead and Munhall Boroughs.

This project addresses the following values from PRT’s long-range transportation plan, NEXTransit, adopted in 2021.

  • Accessible: infrastructure is fully available in every way to those with specific needs, such as physical or mental disabilities, those traveling with infants or small children, and those traveling with groceries or other goods.
  • Affordable: this project makes it easier for those of all means, including the underemployed and unemployed populations, to utilize transit without needing to sacrifice other life sustaining activity, such as buying food, medicine or heating, to do so.
  • Equitable: the project not only ensures the fair provision of services to those with limited means or higher risk, but affirmatively acts to better the services offered to these groups in an effort to combat historical and environmental imbalances in the community.
  • Sustainable: the project enhances the health of communities and the natural environment through its design and operations with regard to energy use, water use, raw material use, land use, and waste production.

PRT was awarded $420,000 through the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission to focus on the southern end of the Homestead Grays Bridge and Eight Avenue in Homestead and Munhall. Considerations will be made for bus queue jump lanes, bus stop improvements (shelters, curb extensions, and other rider amenities), pedestrian crossing improvements, and signal upgrades, including transit signal priority (TSP).

PRT was awarded $960,000 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) grant for the Homestead to McKeesport project, funded by the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The grant was announced on April 20, 2022.

PennDOT District 11, Allegheny County, Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, Borough of Homestead, Borough of West Mifflin, Borough of Munhall, Borough of Whitaker, City of Duquesne, and the City of McKeesport.

How to Review Project Recommendations

  1. Select a tab below to zoom into details about the key areas of the project corridor, learn about the types of improvements proposed, and future projects.
  2. The images below the overall segment map provide more details about specific locations.
  3. You can provide feedback using the tools in the "Questions, Comments, Feedback" section at the bottom of this page.


Whitaker-West Mifflin

Detailed Intersection Recommendations

City of Duquesne


Detailed Intersection Recommendations


This project started in October 2021 and is expected to last approximately 2 years.
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Fall 2021

    • Initial existing conditions analysis and identification of potential solutions.
  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Winter 2021 - Spring 2022

    • Host two public workshops to gain feedback on the corridor and desired improvements.
    • Engage consultant team to support remaining stages of the project.
  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

    • Conduct further data collection and surveys.
    • Develop corridor concept based on input from general public, stakeholders, and PRT departments.
  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Summer and Fall 2023

    • Host second round of public engagement opportunities to review draft corridor concept.
    • Develop final concept based on input from public meetings, municipalities, stakeholders, and project partners.
  • Timeline item 5 - active

    Winter 2023/2024

    • Last round of community engagement presenting the final concept and implementation plan.

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Seth Davis

Project Manager

Craig Toocheck

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