PRT, along with contractor RailWorks, will begin a three-year project on January 2, 2025, grinding the rails throughout the system.
The three-year, $1.5 million project will run each January through March in 2025, 2026, and 2027. The work is being conducted by RailWorks.
Rail grinding restores the profile of the railhead and removes defects by using a specialized machine that uses the friction of stones to bring the rail to a uniform standard, increasing safety, reliability, and longevity.
A fundamental part of a rail maintenance program, rail grinding not only extends rail life but also reduces wear on the rail car wheels, maximizes efficiency, and improves the ride quality.
Work will be conducted weekdays during daylight hours, although some overnight hours will be required.
Riders and residents may see the grinder on the tracks, which will occasionally spark while grinding operations are underway. Safety measures are in place to ensure that the sparking does not cause any adverse effects to the environment.
The project will impact stations between South Hills Village and Washington Junction, Overbrook Junction and Boggs Station, and if time permits, from Washington Junction to Library Station. Rail cars will be single-tracking through those areas.
Detours and disruptions are rolling and will be dependent on the progress of the grinding work, but riders will generally see a signs indicating that a platform is out of service and they should board all inbound and outbound rail vehicles from the opposite platform at that station.