We offer plenty of options to make getting around easier than ever.
Our extensive bus network covers more than 500 square miles throughout Allegheny County.
Light Rail
Our light rail system extends 26 miles from Pittsburgh's North Shore to communities in Allegheny County's South Hills.
The inclines serve as both a tourist destination and a way in which thousands of our riders commute to work each day.
Additional Services
Customer Service
We're here to help!
Park and Ride
Park your car and hop on board. With more than 50 Park and Rides throughout Allegheny County, chances are there's one near you!
Lost and Found
We can help you recover your lost or forgotten items.
Accessibility Info
We address the unique needs and challenges of all individuals through accessibility, mobility, and community involvement.
ACCESS Paratransit
ACCESS Paratransit provides local transportation throughout Allegheny County for individuals who cannot access our fixed-route bus and rail system.
Free Fare Zone
Get around Pittsburgh's Central Business District and North Shore via light rail for free.
Request Service Change
Allegheny County is constantly changing, and as it changes its transit system should evolve as well.
Commuter Services
Information about the Wabash Tunnel and other transit options.
Airport Service
Pittsburgh International Airport is served by the 28X-Airport Flyer, which operates twice an hour from 4 a.m. to midnight