University Line Phase II Construction Public Meeting (January 2025)
Title VI Analysis (November 2022)
Updated roll plots by neighborhood (July 2022)
Downtown (1.48MB)
Uptown (1.76MB)
Oakland (3.72 MB)
BRT Overview City Council Briefing Presentation (June 2022)
- Making Transit Quicker and More Reliable: An Overview of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project (PDF) (1.8 MB)
90% Design Public Meeting Presentation (January 2021)
90% Design Documents (Fall 2020)
- 90% Design Roll Plots by Neighborhood
- 90% Design Overview - November 2020 Stakeholder Meeting Presentation Slides (4 MB)
- 90% Design Drawings (26.1 MB)
Federal Funding Application Documents (August 2019)
- Pittsburgh BRT Project Narrative (1.5 MB) - A general description of the project in terms of its geographic setting, infrastructure and service.
- BRT Overall Infrastructure Map (< 1 MB)
- Capital Cost Methodology (<1 MB) - Description of how the project's capital costs were estimated.
- Pittsburgh BRT Small Starts Financial Plan (< 1 MB) - Description of funding sources.
- Pittsburgh BRT Small Starts Template (< 1 MB) - Standard FTA workbook with the following individual worksheets: Project description; project length; station list; travel forecasts; mobility cost-effectiveness and congestion relief; land use; environmental benefits; finance, including Pittsburgh financing and project rating estimation.
- BRT Standard Cost Category Workbook (< 1 MB) - A detailed breakdown of costs by project elements (stations, vehicles, roadwork, etc.)
Federal Funding Application Documents (September 2018)
- Purpose and Need Report (2 MB) - Describes the purpose and need for the project, and outlines project goals and objectives.
- Pittsburgh BRT Project Narrative (< 2 MB) - A general description of the project in terms of its geographic setting, infrastructure and service.
- Infrastructure Map (1 MB)
- Capital Cost Methodology (< 1 MB) - Description of how the project's capital costs were estimated.
- Pittsburgh BRT Land Use Documentation (8 MB) - Description of existing land use in the project corridor with population and employment information and parking data.
- Pittsburgh BRT Small Starts Financial Plan (< 1 MB) - Description of funding sources.
- Pittsburgh BRT Small Starts Template (Excel file) - Standard FTA workbook with the following individual worksheets: Project description; project length; station list; travel forecasts; mobility cost-effectiveness and congestion relief; land use; environmental benefits; finance, including Pittsburgh financing and project rating estimation.
- BRT Standard Cost Category Workbook (Excel file) - A detailed breakdown of costs by project elements (stations, vehicles, roadwork, etc.)
Other Documents
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusion Document (6 MB) - Analysis of impacts to the social/economic, physical and transportation environment, as required for all federally-funded projects. The NEPA review evaluated 19 different environmental issue categories.
- Alternatives Analysis Report (3 MB) - Description of alternatives evaluated during the early phases of the study.